PDIG Past Activities

The CAVAL Professional Development Interest Group hold forums and activities each year for staff of CAVAL's member libraries.

The group also facilitate library study tours for additional professional sharing and networking. 

Find programs and content from past activities below.

PDIG webinar 2024

Library Discovery Tour of Geelong

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Wednesday 19 June 2024, 10.00am - 3.00pm

Collective care

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Tuesday 23 April 2024, 1.00pm - 2.30pm AEST

CAVAL Study Tour

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Thursday 7 December 2023, 9.45am – 2.00pm
State Library of Victoria and RMIT University’s Swanston and Carlton Libraries

Virtual panel discussion

What makes a library a library?

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Tuesday 12 September 2023, 2.00pm – 3.00pm AEST

CAVAL Study Tour

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Thursday 6 July 2023, 10.00am – 12.30pm
The University of Melbourne
Eastern Resource Centre (ERC) & Baillieu (Rare Books & Virtual Reading Room) Libraries

PDIG webinar series 2 2022

Reshape your career-readiness

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Wednesday 23 November, 10.30am - 12.00pm AEDT

Courageous conversations

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Wednesday 31 August, 2.00pm – 3.30pm AEST

PDIG webinar series 1 2022

Communicating with impact

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Event 1, Tuesday 3 May, 2.00pm – 3.30pm AEST

Event 2, Thursday 5 May, 10.00am – 11.30am AEST

PDIG webinar series 2 2021

Boost your Comms Cred with Negotiation and Networking

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Boost your Comms Cred with Negotiation
Tuesday 7th September 2021, 2.00pm – 3.30pm AEST

CRIG / PDIG Joint Forum 2021

Our future: Diversified or diluted?

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25th May and 27th May 2021

  • Video recordings, slides and further resources can be found here.

PDIG webinar series 1 2021

Steer your career

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Steer your career, webinar 1
Tuesday 23 March 2021, 2.00pm - 3.00pm AEDT

Steer your career, webinar 2
Thursday 25 March 2021, 11.00am – 12.30pm AEDT

Steer your career, webinar 3
Tuesday 30 March 2021, 12.30pm - 1.30pm AEDT

PDIG Special Event 12th August 2020

The Art and Science of Storytelling with Gabrielle Dolan

Watch the video

Over the last decade business storytelling has emerged as a powerful communication skill and leadership competency. In this high impact talk, Gabrielle will provide compelling reasons and insights for why leaders need to embrace storytelling to connect, engage and inspire. The audience will experience firsthand the power of sharing personal stories to communicate business messages and why stories are so important in a time of physical disconnection and remote working. Join Gabrielle to gain valuable insights on what makes a story a story and how to avoid the most common mistakes when sharing stories in business.


Gabrielle Dolan can tell you a story or two. In fact, it was while working in a senior leadership role at National Australia Bank that she realised the power of storytelling in effective business communication. Since that epiphany, Gabrielle has found her calling as a global thought leader on authentic leadership and business storytelling.

A highly sought-after keynote speaker, educator and author, Gabrielle has worked with thousands of high-profile leaders from around the world and helped countless of Australia’s top 50 companies and multinationals to humanise their communications - Telstra, EY, Accenture, VISA, Australia Post, National Australia Bank, ANZ, Vodafone and the Obama Foundation to name drop a few.

She holds a master’s degree in management and leadership from Swinburne University, an associate diploma in education and training from the University of Melbourne, and is a graduate of the Harvard Kennedy School of Executive Education in both the Art and Practice of Leadership Development and Women and Power: Leadership in a New World.

Gabrielle is also the bestselling author of Real Communication: How to be you and lead true, a finalist in the Australian Business Leadership Book Awards for 2019. Her other published books include Stories for Work: The Essential Guide to Business Storytelling (2017), Storytelling for Job Interviews (2016), Ignite: Real Leadership, Real Talk, Real Results (2015) which reached the top 5 on Australia’s bestselling business books and Hooked: How Leaders Connect, Engage and Inspire with Storytelling (2013).

Bringing humanity to the way business people communicate isn’t just a career, it’s a calling. The ultimate expression of her passion for the cause is her Jargon Free Fridays movement/ global movement (jargonfreefridays.com).

PDIG Forum 2020 Webinar Series

The New Normal

PDIG Forum 2020 Webinar #1: The New Normal: Health & Wellbeing - #WFH and beyond
PDIG Forum 2020 Webinar #2: The New Normal: Reflections on COVID - Lessons learnt
PDIG Forum 2020 Webinar #3: The New Normal: Looking Forward With Fresh Eyes

PDIG Forum November 2019

Taking charge of your PD

Louisa Sher (Liaison Librarian, Deakin University)
Kylie Percival (Associate University Librarian, University of Adelaide)
Jamie Royals (Manager Learning Engagement & HASS, University of Adelaide) 

Workshop WordCloud
Workshop WordCloud

PDIG Forum July 2019

Thriving in a digital world

Watch the video

La Trobe Library’s approach to developing staff digital capabilities
Wendy Ratcliffe, Coordinator: Client Experience, Library Services La Trobe University

Electronic records management systems: challenges and opportunities
Khahn Nguyen, Senior Officer, Information Transformation, RMIT University

Implementing VR/AR in the Library
Dr Steven Yates, Monash University
(slides unavailable)

Building Digital Capabilities at Melbourne: Putting humans at the centre of the digital experience
Trent Hennessey, Library Learning and Teaching Coordinator
Mary-Louise Edwards, Education Librarian, The University of Melbourne

Micro-credentials - Skills & capabilities required on the job
Frank Ponte, Manager, Library Services (Teaching)
Jo Gillespie, Liaison Librarian, RMIT University

In conversation about digital disruption - are there any gamechangers? What does that mean for staff skillsets?
Dr Kathryn Coleman, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne
Mary-Louise Edwards, Education Librarian, The University of Melbourne

CAUL/CAVAL Digital Dexterity Community of Practice
Fiona Salisbury, University Librarian, La Trobe University

CRIG / PDIG Joint Forum 2019

Our future: Diversified or diluted?

PDIG Forum November 2018

Building a career: Thriving in a Brave New World


Watch the video

How to progress your career – panel discussion
Steven Chang, La Trobe University
Marion Slawson, Federation University
Fiona Salisbury La Trobe University
Frances O'Neil, Victoria University
Frank Ponte, RMIT University

Melbourne University Cadet Program
Ashley Sutherland (Supervisor)
Penny Chan (Cadet)

CAVAL Cross Institutional Mentoring program
Madeleine Bruwer (Mentor)
Melissa Payne (Mentee)

Influence and personal brand
Clare Carlsson, Deakin University

Dealing with change
Tania Sherwood, RMIT University

PDIG Forum June 2018

Frontline Services: Responding to a changing landscape

Date: Thursday, June 14, 2018
Venue: RMIT University, Swanston Academic Building


Program: [PDF]

Swinburne Library's new combined services model including student administration [PDF][MP3]
Tony Davies, Deputy Director, Library Services and Katie Routley, Deputy Directory, Customer Service, Swinburne University of Technology

From Library Services to partnerships : the ASK La Trobe Help Zone [PDF][MP3]
Ian Rossiter, Senior Coordinator, Co-curricular Services (Library), La Trobe University

How AAL has altered frontline services: Using enterprise systems such as SMP and LiveChat and the learning curve for frontline Staff [PDF][MP3]
Charles Barnett, Manager, Carlton & Brunswick Libraries, RMIT University

Building digital capability in frontline services staff [PDF][MP3]
Kylie Tran, Senior Client Services Librarian & Andrea Hurt, Client Services Librarian, University of Melbourne

Online Training Program (OTP): Learning can be interesing and fun. It is just like the real thing for staff [PDF][MP3]
Belinda M L Sua. Client Services Team Leader, UNSW

PDIG Forum November 2017

Theme: New Roles for New Times

Date: Thursday, November 23, 2017
Venue:  RMIT Swanston Library


Program: [PDF]

Introduction: Future of Work: [PDF]

Guest speakers:

Andrew Williams - Senior Coordinator, Research Data, La Trobe University [PDF]

Rebecca Rata - Digitization Librarian, RMIT [PDF]

Jennifer Eddy - Collection Profiling Librarian, University of Melbourne [PDF]

Vernon Fowler - User Experience (UX) Specialist Deakin University [PDF]

CRIG – PDIG Joint Forum 2017

Theme: Imagine! Future Present Libraries

Date: Tuesday, May 02, 2017
Venue:  Deakin Downtown Conference Centre


Program: [PDF]

KEYNOTE: Libraries Reframed: The work and culture of the future [PDF]
Margie Jantti, President of CAUL, Director Library Services University of Wollongong

Are you managing or leading your library? [PDF]
Professor. Helen Partridge, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Scholarly Information and Learning Services), University of Southern Queensland

Shaping and building a change-ready culture [PDF]
Jennifer Peasley, Executive Director, Library and University Librarian, La Trobe University

The next gen of information professionals: a co-creation [PDF]
Dr Sue Reynolds, Senior Lecturer, RMIT University

Metaphorically speaking [PDF]
Cathrine Harboe-Ree, University Librarian, Monash University

CAVAL Professional Interest Group Forum - June 2016

Libraries Under Review – twelve months on

4 academic and research libraries share their reflections, challenges and learning

In July 2015, we heard from three academic libraries about the significant changes they had experienced in response to external and internal changes to University strategy and student services - re-positioning library structures, service models and roles. This forum will allow participants to hear how these changes have progressed over the last 12 months.

Date: Wednesday 22nd June
Venue: Victoria University

Program [PDF]

10.00 – 10.10 a.m. Welcome and Introduction
Sandra Woods – Manager, Library Programs - University of Melbourne Library and Chair of the CAVAL Professional Development (PDIG) Interest Group

10.1010.40 a.m. 'Emotional Labour' in libraries and the development of strategies to support employees in the workplace during change
Garry Potter, Manager Libraries Footscray, Victoria University Library

10.4011.10 a.m. Meet MOM, the Melbourne Operating Model
Jenny Ellis, Director, Scholarly Information, University of Melbourne Library

11.1011.45 a.m. Morning Tea

11.4512.15 p.m. Library services realigned
Wendy Hoyle, Associate Director Library Services, University of Tasmania Library

12.1512.45 p.m. Ask La Trobe - new service partnerships to improve student experience
Fiona Salisbury, Deputy Director, Learning and Teaching, La Trobe University Library

12.451.00 p.m. Finish and wrap up

Deakin University Library and CAVAL's Professional Development Interest Group are pleased to present 'Digital Libraries of the Future', an informative TREND session featuring guest speakers Sarah Kenderdine, University of New South Wales and Museum Victoria; Gavin Winter, Queensland University of Technology; and Shawna Sadler, Deakin University.

Where: Deakin University
Burwood Corporate Centre
Date: Wednesday, 4 November 2015 


1:30pm – 1:35pm Opening

1:35pm – 2:15pm Sarah Kenderdine – Professor and Director of iGLAM

Toward an embodied museography: public engagement with digital cultural heritage
Immersive visualisation technologies and high-fidelity digital cultural data offer us new strategies for inhabiting places, augmenting objects, sculpting cultural collections and restaging performances. These interfaces and imaging technologies, in combination with interactive schemas, are stimulating waves of engagement with tangible and intangible heritage that are redefining traditional notions of museum going and public access. From an ancient India kingdom to Chinese Kung Fu to the Atlas of Maritime Buddhism, this presentation illuminates the heritages of Asia in a wide-range of interactive installations

2:15pm – 2:55pm Gavin Winter – Visualisation and eResearch Manager at the Institute for Future Environments at Queensland University of Technology

The story of The Cube
How it was developed and the story three years on. Gavin will discuss the approach to design and development of The Cube at the Science and Engineering Centre and how, three years on, it remains the largest digital interactive learning centre in the world. He will present his vision for the next three years and how libraries, universities and major public institutions can leverage high-end visualisation technology in engaging and inspirational ways.

2:55pm – 3:15pm Afternoon Tea

3:15pm – 3:55pm Shawna Sadler – Director, Digital Library and Innovation at Deakin University

Future of Digital Scholarship
Shawna will present a concise environmental scan of how academic libraries are enabling Digital Scholarship in Australia, North America and the UK. From this we can see trends which may give us clues to the future of Digital Scholarship.

3:55pm – 4:00pm Close


Sarah Kenderdine: A former maritime archaeologist and museum curator, Sarah is Professor and Director of iGLAM (Laboratory for Innovation in Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums), founding Director of Visualisation for the new Expanded Perception and Interaction Centre (EPICentre) at the University of New South Wales, and is head of Special Projects at Museum Victoria.

Gavin Winter: Visualisation and eResearch Manager at the Institute for Future Environments at Queensland University of Technology.

Shawna Sadler: Director, Digital Library and Innovation at Deakin University. Previously, Shawna was Associate University Librarian, Digital Library and Research Technologies at the University of Calgary, where she played a lead role in the technology design and implementation of the new Taylor Family Digital Library. Shawna continues to be an active member of the Innovative Libraries community, currently serving on the 2016 Horizon Report panel.

CAVAL Professional Development Interest Group Forum

Institutional Change – 3 academic and research libraries share their reflections, challenges and learning

Date: Wednesday 15th July 2015

Venue: The University of Melbourne

Melbourne School of Design

Several academic and research libraries are experiencing significant change in response to external and internal changes to University strategy and student services. These libraries are re-positioning library structures, service models and roles in a time of rapid change.

This forum will allow participants to hear about the challenges and changes at three Australian Universities, and to ask questions. What inspired the changes? How have roles shifted and developed? What have been, and will be, the major challenges for staff and their institutions? 

Library staff from all CAVAL member libraries are welcome, particularly those with an interest in professional development and the changing LIS landscape.


10.00 – 10.10am      Welcome and Introduction
Sandra Woods – Manager, Library Programs - University of Melbourne Library and Chair of the CAVAL Professional Development (PDIG) Interest Group

10.10 – 10.30am       Our Experience - University of Melbourne Library 
Jenny Ellis, Director, Scholarly Information, University of Melbourne

10.30 – 10.50am       Ask La Trobe - new service partnerships to improve student experience
Fiona Salisbury, Deputy Director, Learning and Teaching, LaTrobe University Library [PPTX] (2.7MB)

10.50 – 11.10am      A focus on the Student Experience: realigning library services across Divisional thematic areas
Wendy Hoyle, Associate Director, Library Services, University of Tasmania Library [PPTX] (2347KB) [DOCX Notes] (36KB)

11.10 – 11.50am      Panel discussion and questions on notice
Jenny Ellis, Fiona Salisbury and Wendy Hoyle

11.50 – 12.00pm      CAVAL wrap-up and evaluations
Louise Dick, CAVAL Manager Member Services

CAVAL HR Interest Group Forum

Research Information Management – Where do Librarians Fit?

Date & Time: Monday 4 December 2014
2.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.

Venue: The University of Melbourne
Baillieu Library (building 177)

This forum is designed to provide an introduction to research data and research publication management for librarians who are not yet experts in the field. Speakers have been asked to include a focus on the potential roles for librarians and the skills needed for this work.

The target audience is library staff wishing to consider a career move into this area and it will also be of interest to those whose current position requires a greater understanding of research data and research publication management.


2.00 – 2.10 p.m.Welcome and Introduction
Sandra Woods – Learning and Development Consultant- University of Melbourne Library and Chair of the HR Group

2.10 – 2.30 p.m.     RDM in plain English

Kathryn Unsworth, Data Librarian, Australian National Data Service (ANDS) [PDF] 3MB

2.30 – 3.00 p.m.     Implementing ROS: A journey into research publications management

Kate Byrne, Manager, Research Reporting, University of New South Wales Library [PDF] 2MB

3.00 – 3.20 p.m.     RDM training initiatives at the University of Melbourne

Anna Shadbolt, Manager, Digital Scholarship, Research, University Library, University of Melbourne [pptx] 2MB

3.20 – 3.40 p.m.     Afternoon Tea

3.40 – 4.30 p.m.     Panel discussion on the support needs of academics, roles for librarians, and skill sets needed

Kate Byrne, Simon Huggard, Kathryn Unsworth and Anna Shadbolt [pptx] 270KB

4.30 – 5.00 p.m.     Room open for those who wish to continue discussion

 CAVAL HR Group Workshop

September 2013

Career Design and Development

To do well in today’s work environment, Library & Information Services professionals need to be self-reliant managers of their own careers. As well as having the technical skills and abilities needed to work in a particular role, Library & Information Services professionals also need the skills, knowledge and attitudes to make good career moves.

The CAVAL HR Group invites you to participate in a lively workshop that introduces the expert services of Square Peg Careers.

Square Peg Careers offers career management & development programs designed to equip the 21st century professional with a kit bag of tools to proactively build and manage their own careers. The workshop is designed to be of interest to a wide range of library staff.

In particular, today’s Library & Information Services professionals must position themselves to take advantage of possible career options by developing the knowledge and skills to:

      • Participate in life-long learning that is supportive of their career goals.
      • Locate and effectively use career information.
      • Make career enhancing decisions.

The outcomes of our career management & development program are to:

      • Provide targeted support to enable participants to develop proactive career management strategies.
      • Provide insight into career possibilities & pathways.
      • Assist participants to identify career enhancing activities such as mentoring, training, secondments, formal study, networking, presenting papers, etc.
      • Review & reality check short and longer term career goals.
      • Identify current skills & knowledge gaps and plan action steps to achieve career goals..
      • Develop effective networking strategies to both explore possibilities and secure employment opportunities,
      • Build career resilience.

Date & Time: Thursday 12 September 2013
9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

Venue: RMIT University
Swanston Library

Refreshments will be provided.

Price: $35.00 (+GST)

Download the program [PDF] 93KB

CAVAL Human Resources Group Workshop

June 2013
Research data management:
What does it mean for the librarian?

Research data management is an emerging area in universities worldwide and libraries are among the stakeholders supporting the area because of their information management expertise.  But what is involved in supporting the area?

The CAVAL HR Group invites you to participate in a lively workshop that introduces the activities involved in supporting research data management. We also explore the possible roles and development needs of library staff working in this area.

The workshop is designed to be of interest to a wide range of library staff including staff working in liaison roles as well as others wanting to broaden their knowledge about the area more generally.

Date & Time: Thursday 27 June 2013
2.00 to 4.15 p.m.

Venue: University of Melbourne

Program [PDF] 97KB


      • What’s involved in research data management and what skills do librarians need to support it?
        Simon Huggard - Digital Infrastructure Manager, La Trobe University. [pptx] 8.1MB
      • What librarians need to be a bigger part of the research process.
        David Groenewegen - Director, Research Infrastructure, Monash University. [pptx] 1.2MB

CAVAL Human Resources Group Workshop

September 2012
Professor Helen Partridge: The Future of the Library and Information Sector

The CAVAL HR Group proudly brings to you the following professional development presentation and opportunity.  Target groups - any LIS professional, manager, director or supervisor

Date & Time: Wednesday 12th September 2012, 2.00 to 5.00pm

Venue: Baillieu Library

Download the Program [PDF] 100KB

CAVAL Human Resources Group presents

Cadetships and building your staff capacity

Cadetship programs have been a way of developing staff capacity for some time. Join our workshop and find out how to begin, what works and how to avoid the pitfalls from those that have done it. Sandra Woods, Learning and Development Consultant, University of Melbourne Library and Joan Moncrieff, Associate Librarian, Information Management and Access, Deakin University will both share their experiences with the cadetships offered at their respective Universities. Also present will be cadets that have experienced these programs to lend their view on the experience. There will be plenty of time for questions so you can explore whether this type of program would be worthwhile to build your own staff capacity.

Venue: Swinburne University, Hawthorn Campus Library

Date: Thursday, 27th May 2010

Time: 10am – 1pm – Light lunch provided

People in the Information Profession Conference

The inaugural People in the Information Profession Conference was held on Thursday 15 and Friday 16 October 2009 at Victoria University, Flinders Street, Melbourne, Australia.